- Scan duration = 1 second
- 以太网连接时,每秒最多上传210条广播数据
- WiFi连接时,每秒最多上传150条广播数据
Gateway V4以MessagePack格式提交数据.
MessagePack是一个高效的二进制序列化格式. 它让你像JSON一样可以在各种语言之间交换数据。但是它比JSON更快、更小. 这种格式小巧快速,支持超过50种编程语言和环境。
- v - firmware version
- mid - message ID
- time - 启动时长,以秒计算
- ip - gateway的IP
- mac - gateway的mac address
- rssi - gateway的WiFi连接信号强度RSSI. 仅当使用WiFi连接时才会出现,从固件v1.5.0开始加入
- iccid - 4G模块的ICCID. 仅当使用4G连接时才会出现,从固件v1.5.3开始加入
- devices - 一个由BLE广播包组成的数组, 这些广播包都是gateway收集到的
devices数组中包含BLE广播的原始内容. 下面是一个数据帧的示例,参考"Data Format For Key Devices"
00 12 3b 6a 1a 64 cf aa 02 01 06 1a ff 4c 00 02 15 b5 b1 82 c7 ea b1 49 88 aa 99 b5 c1 51 70 08 d9 00 01 cf 64 c5
Bytes | 说明 | 示例 |
byte 1 | advertising type, see the table below | 00 |
byte 2 - 7 | mac address for BLE device | 12 3b 6a 1a 64 cf |
byte 8 | RSSI, minus 256 for real value | aa, 0xaa - 256 = -86 |
byte 9 - | Advertisement data | 02 01 06 1a ff 4c 00 02 15 b5 b1 82 c7 ea b1 49 88 aa 99 b5 c1 51 70 08 d9 00 01 cf 64 c5 |
Data | Description |
02 | adv type |
C8FD1949A530 | mac address |
CE | rssi |
0201061AFF4C000215EB6D469624BE4663B15230D46B0E9CC9000D002AC0 | raw advertising data |
Advertising Type Code
Code | Description |
0 | Connectable undirected advertisement |
1 | Connectable directed advertisement |
2 | Scannable undirected advertisement |
3 | Non-Connectable undirected advertisement |
4 | Scan Response |
Configuration options
Application options
Advertising filter
- Allow All Advertising Data: scan all data, default
- iBeacon Only: scan iBeacon data only. Please search iBeacon protocol for more information
- Eddystone UID Only: scan Eddystone UID only
- Eddystone URL Only: scan Eddystone URL only
- Sensor mode, supports some Xiaomi sensor: Experimental feature, scan only xiaomi sensors such as temperature/humidity sensor
- iBeacon And Eddystone TLM Plain: scan iBeacon And Eddystone TLM Plain data only
- Eddystone UID And Eddystone TLM Plain: scan Eddystone UID And Eddystone TLM Plain only
- Eddystone URL And Eddystone TLM Plain: scan Eddystone URL And Eddystone TLM Plain only
For more information about eddystone protocol, please check the specification
Manufacture Filter
The general structure of advertising packets is described in BLE Advertising Data Basics. Manufacturer-specific data can be used to add any custom data into advertising packets in any format suitable for your application. For example, you could create a beacon that includes the reading of a temperature sensor in the advertising data.
See the image below which contains company ID 02FF for company Silicon Labs. You can input "Manufacture Filter" = 02FF to scan the advertising data only
指示灯 | 说明 |
绿色 | 在以太网启动时开始闪烁 |
黄色 | 在获得IP后常亮 |
- PCB原理图
- Gateway V4的PCB布局. 这里采用了微处理器ESP32以及NRF52832.
引脚 | 说明 |
J3 | ESP32模块I2C端口 |
P2 | ESP32模块的烧写引脚 |
P3 | NRF52832模块的烧写引脚 |
P4 | NRF52832模块的串口 |
J3 引脚
- GPIO16
- GPIO04
- GPIO07
- GPIO06