Wireless iBeacon Receiver
四月兄弟科技有限公司提供的无线iBeacon接收器,可以作为BLE的广播监听设备,收集附近的iBeacon广播信息并上传到远程服务器端。设备工作于Wi-Fi station状态,可连接周边Wi-Fi热点接入互联网。
- Scan multiple beacon device in same time
- MQTT protocol
- Transfer data via Wi-Fi
- The fastest transport frequency is 1 second. Good for realtime scan requirement.

Parameters | Description | Remark |
Work Voltage | 5V DC / 2A | |
Power Interface | MINI-USB | |
Protocol | 4.0 | |
Receiving Sensitivity | -93dBm | High gain mode |
Antenna | 50 Ohm | External 2dBm antenna |
Scan Duration | Configure as 1 - 10 seconds | 1 second default |
Wi-Fi Antenna | 50 Ohm | PCB antenna |
Work with Wi-Fi AP | 2.4G Wi-Fi AP only | |
Working Temperature(C) | -20 ~ 65 | |
Dimension | 59.3mm x 75.3mm x 11.6mm |
- Indoor Location
- Meeting sign in
- Check in
- Parking & Checking in
- Sensor data collection
- Home automation
- User data collection
- ...
Quick Start
The receiver will try to connect WiFi hotspot that SSID = hello
and password = 12345678
- Turn on the "personal hotsport mode" for your mobile
- Change the SSID = hello and password = 12345678
- Power on the receiver
- Access the IP with browser if the receiver connected to your mobile
- Re-power the receiver. The receiver will connect a MQTT Broker provide by ApilBrother default. -
- Download the free software [//mosquitto.org mosquitto] to access the beacon datas uploaded by the receiver.
Please refer the "How To Config" Section for more information.
=== 关于LED指示灯状态
- 绿色LED: 该指示灯表示网络正常且MQTT已经连接成功。无法在这个状态下使用WiFi Starter应用来配置设备。
Transport Protocol And Data Format
The transport protocol is MQTT. Here's a sample data.
It's a json data. The key "id" is the MAC address for the receiver. The key named "raw_beacons_data" contains the beacon datas. The iBeacon datas are splitted by semicolon. The sample data
字节 | 说明 | 示例 |
1 - 12 bytes | beacon的mac地址 | F4B85ED84CB7 |
13 - 44 bytes | iBeacon的UUID,共32字节 | 12345678123412341234123412341234 |
45 - 48 byte | major | 7DAD |
49 - 52 byte | minor | 33B1 |
53, 54 byte | measured power,减去255之后就是实际的值 | C6 |
55, 56 byte | 电量,按百分比计,如没有获得电量,用FF代替 | FF |
57, 58 byte | RSSI,减去255之后就是实际的值 | 41 |